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Melvin Burch

Melvin Burch.


I want to stop here.
And I can.

But I forget constantly, that what I've already proven/disproven (Wouldn't it be the same? I mean, one would be proving BY disproving...) about myself, has only been shared within.

So I pray to uncertainty, that all I share with the public is listened to and understood, at least to some degree.



It would benefit the purpose of this summary to not tell what I've done, but where I am as of recent experience.


The project itself is yet to be released, and no one knows why. could offer answers, but is responsible for it's recovery. Meanwhile,, which has just been made public knowledge, is BROADCASTING from Limbo. Apparently, cameras are allowed in confusion. And in unscheduled hilarity.

But the most "relevent" bit of info, at least if you're on this blog, I must now get to.

Amidst all, music remains to be seen.

I forgot to mention.
I've "retired".
Which makes my inclusion on this blog bittersweet.

The expected reactions?

"But I've just discovered your existence, Melvin!"
- new listeners

"But you really HAVEN'T gotten started. I can sense it, and your rather bare catalogue shows it.
- old listeners

We'll see where I go.

As for "bio" food...
Who am I, you ask?

It may be the "puberty", but I wonder the same...

An emotional thinker, trapped in the stagnancy of depression?

A supernaturally skilled writer, reluctant, yet talented musician, and inconsistent recording artist?

The fusion of two (or many more) characters thought to be ficticious?

A newly 18 year old, 1 year old, thinking about 17 different concepts at once?

A permanently teenage, eternal Japanese girl, from Peoria, IL, living in Oceanside, CA, forever having no place to go, but ending up somewhere nonetheless?

A self-loathing voice destined to raise the spirits of others through monotonous re-tellings of experience in existence?

The sadness of a joker, tears of a clown, and wit of a comedian manifested physically?


I could have written trillions of these attempts to summarize what I know is best explained by depth and detail, rather than an attempt at a holistic re-telling, even though I'm writing a rather focused one at the moment trying to do so anyway.

Truthfully, so you could hopefully be intrigued enough to descend deeper into this grey and purple abyss. (Results may VERY. Yes, very.)

Nevertheless, I feel that regardless of what I'm writing now or in any other alternate dimension, it must begin and end the same way.

Melvin Burch.

And hello, I find it pleasant to meet you.



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