In the year 2525 CH (comedial horizon era), Charles Hamilton was hatched from the byperbird Wendy Williams. As Wendy was nursing the birdling Charles, he fell out of the nest, through the Lining of Silver’s Cloud, and into Mauritian Jungle. He was further raised by Madagascar wildlife, and introduced to music via Curtis Mayfield........................
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Carnage:Carlo “Carnage” Callwood. A 19 year old producer from Miami, FL Carlo has 5 instrumental projects to his name. Most of his production is sampled material that ranges from video games to classic oldiesRead More»
Eddie Eff: Eddie Lowery, 17 year old from New Castle, DE.Raised On HipHop, Soul, and Pokemon He grew into a very creative musically inclined poet.Read More»
XB: He keeps it real, slaps bitches, and gets pootang... well not really.. actually not at all.. but he does make music.Read More»
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