In the year 2525 CH (comedial horizon era), Charles Hamilton was hatched from the byperbird Wendy Williams. As Wendy was nursing the birdling Charles, he fell out of the nest, through the Lining of Silver’s Cloud, and into Mauritian Jungle. He was further raised by Madagascar wildlife, and introduced to music via Curtis Mayfield.
After a regular day of running around listening to “Little Child Runnin Wild”, soldiers from W.A.C.K. N.I.G.G.A.S. (Warriors Against Charles’ Kingdom, Now Interrupting Great Genius Art Suckas!) bumrushed the wildnerness, kidnapping a napping Charlie Baby.
He was then abducted by Sega. “Cuter than a gumdrop,” remembers Jack Splash. Sega incapsulates him in a liquid vase, transmitting his thoughts and keeping only the positive, for the broadcasts to other planets with life on them.
One night, his psybeams blast through his vase, and he takes form of the actress we know as Marilyn Monroe. Her beauty alone caused politicians to get brittle in their ideals. So, in her calm state of politicual frustrations, she created Communism (“…a belief system to calm you niggas down; hop off my titties!” says Marilyn)
Unfortunately, she was raped by the Kennedy administration. Such events were covered up by her hop-out-the-cake dance, to keep Jack Splash from completely demolishing Earth for harming his “luv”.
Enter Charles Hamilton Houston. Charles always had a thing for Justice. Ask Janet Jackson. He was a smooth talking esq. with a low cut ceasar and an attitude to match. Houston gets all Kennedy’s repremanded, and runs off with Marilyn. Comes home one day to find her dead, and gets put away for life for the “murder” of… his split personality. However, they merged… the outcome,
Charles Hamilton Jr., the deadliest musician anywhere.
In the 1980s (AD; After the Disrespect of Marilyn), music lacked flavor and a true tint of the color PINK. So, on November 10th, 1987, Prince, Michael Jackson and Madonna allowed their light beams to merge and give birth to the modern-day One Man Jam Band, Charles Hamilton. The Jr. was to show humility, in that the music embodies everything, and may very well be the only music worth listening to.
His parents embodied the spirits of Jimi Hendrix and Chaka Khan. It’s safe to say they are his parents, as his father was an excellent saxaphone player, and his mother has very strong singing abilities.
In the years between 2007 and 2010, he has released more (quailty) music than artists who have been around for 30 years. 35+ mixtapes, projects, albums, EPs, Thematic Compilations and diaries. He simply refers to any body of music as a Blog, earning him the affectionate title, “Best Blogger Alive”.
Critics love his music, and love to hate (on) his mentality. Such diverse reactions fuel his never ending force of music.
He is… well, Charles Hamilton.
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