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Shortly after cherry poppin' and cutting the ribbon to the grand opening of 'StarCHaser Radio'. We have just recieved new music from Charles Hamilton.
So, why not celebrate the new opening day with some new Charles Hamilton music? Feels like the most necessary and perfect occasion to do so...

Corporate has released a double album which includes a seperate project from both Charles and Corpy. But we thought for the saftey of your ears (always thinking of you first!) it was best to remove Corpy's album and create an alternative link for people to only download Charles music.

So basically the project is unofficial and compiled with new unreleased music. 

Melvin Burch said the following...

"Well, to my understanding, these songs are dedicated to members of NHF. (Potentially meaning Nu Hamilton Family?) Charles did songs for all members. (Dino, Chris, etc.) Corpy most likely changed the titles. "

"Charles told me he was doing a NHF project before he went away, so I believe that's what this is."

"For example, "I'm Chris Rivera" is not the title of that song. It was originally called "Gats (Rivera's Gun)"."

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